Monday, January 27, 2014

3 - Rosewould Plantation

by Penny London

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
4 Design
4 Uniqueness
3 Animations
2 Crowded
2 Pervable
3 Staff: 3
-- Ambient sound  (none)
3 Music                (country)
2 Going stag?
4 Lag
3 Noobs             
Rosewould Plantation is a large and detailed sim that offers a balloon ride to familiarize yourself with the layout (yay!), and a fun barrel ride.  The staff is friendly and will help you figure out the sprawling layout if you get lost. will direct you to the highlights as well as check up on you. It has the flavour of a southern plantation, modernized, so there is a definite country feel with a fishing trailer offered and the streaming country music.  The real draw is the meadow area, a lovely riot of color that strangely offers no sex animations!  There are random romantic poses and dance animations throughout this beautiful sim which features lovely modern and rustic houses, arbor areas, interesting trails and ruins.  There is also a dance floor located outside the "pay" area.
The random nature of the sex poses is one issue that I have with Rosewould.  They seem to be everywhere you wouldn't want them and nowhere you would - with exception of the beds, rugs etc.  I found this a little confusing.  Also, the animations are adequate in the furniture but the ones placed randomly are outdated.

Finally, this is a paid sim.  I am a fan of paid sims generally as they tend to offer better animations, better builds and are noob free.  However, Rosewould offers a 6 day free pass to try it.  I am not sure if this is why there are so many noobs, but there are too many unfortunate avatars here.  Further, the dance area is outside the pay area and it also covered with noobs.  There are people on this sim the two times I went, I got hit on, and they were very nice.

Rosewould is one of the most expensive to join, charging 500L ($2.15 USD) to join the group.  Is it worth it?  Not in my opinion, but it is a great date place so go and tell me what you think!

Bring a date and have fun - especially if you like country music!


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