Score: 0= bad, 5=best
4 Design
4 Uniqueness
-- Animations
3 Crowded
0 Pervable
-- Staff
-- Ambient sound (none)
4 Music (mellow world?
2 Going stag? (it is a nice, but short, exploration)
5 Noobs
4 Lag
In SL there is a infamous club called only The Chamber. It is members only, elite, and very very wicked. At least that is how it is perceived. In actuality it costs the standard 350L ($1.75 USD) to join.
When you initially land you are out to sea on a fishing boat. You join from there and are given the actual landing point landmark (LM). It creates a lot of interest, I will say that. The actual LM is outside on a dock. You walk into what looks like a hotel lobby and there is another group join and a Chamber "hud" that must be used by all females in the basement. The basement is a fairly standard dungeon and the hud is for female slaves I gather. Anyway, you then teleport (tp) up to the terrace where you land facing the wall (oops). This is the actual "chamber."
On a slow night (?)
...or is it?
After repeated visits I realized something. You can hear a pin drop in there. Meaning, no one - and I mean no one - talks in chat. Not a sound. No "hello." Nothing. When the few actual avatars mention this in chat about 50% of the time some asshole says "We are all busy and happy in our multiple private IMs, keep it to yourself." After the second time I stood around silently and someone said this and I never got a private IM, I decided to do some investigating, and guess what?
They are all AFK (away from keyboard).
Yes! You are standing in the a room full of empty, sleeping avatars! The Chamber is one of the only venues that does NOT warn you that to go AFK is to get booted out and people take advantage of this for some reason. Interesting note: the more avatar traffic, the higher in the SL listings the venue appears. Ah ha!
No one ever has any sex here so I have no clue about the animations. I have only been hit on by 3 people the entire time I showed up, wondering what all the fuss was about, and stood, silently. They were all assholes that were almost instantly muted. Occasionally someone wonderful will land and decide to shake up the group chat and if anyone is actually present in their avi it can be fun (bless you, Sliding!) but this is few and far between. Probably because it is a LOT of work!
All the AFK avatar wallpaper creates considerable lag at times. No one seems to care as you can be confident that you are not missing anything.
In an attempt to raise the interest level, they brought in a trivia game and it sits, unused. I tried to play it once and my GOD! It is the WORST trivia I have ever seen, ever. The questions are so boring that it will actually kill what group chat there is. I don't know who's idea that was, but please replace it with "This 'n That" by Minty Entertainment. It's actually fun.
The hidden room outside the study, and the cathedral!
There are other rooms, a wonderfully detailed study with a secret room featuring a two way mirror so you can perv on one, and my personal favorite - the upper floor which is a salacious church. Golly, I would love to get busy in there someday, when I can find someone that doesn't suck with a membership to TP in. 'Cuz I am not going to pay for someone else to join here, that's for sure. If I was going to do that I would go to Elysion instead.
The avi wallpaper is always absolutely tip top of the SL fashion circuit and great to inspect! The Chamber is completely noob-free!
Whoa! After weeks of standing around it was recently brought to my attention that there is a whole town hidden behind the Chamber! It's a 20's themed build with an upscale venue for live performances and my favorite, Wang Supper Club! I wonder why flying is disabled here - more people would be exploring if they could see it!
Other than the two clubs the build is a facade but it is a fun and quick trip!
Hey! What is all this back here?
The back room at Wang's, and the hidden Asian massage parlor....
Go to Elysion instead.
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