Monday, August 18, 2014

2.3 - Elysion UPDATED

by Penny London

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
-- Animations
2 Crowded
0 Pervable
0 Staff
-- Ambient sound  (none)
3 Music                 (unusual upbeat
0 Going stag?
1 Lag
5 Noobs:             
TOTAL =2.3

I was startled to read this review in a popular online mag and felt prompted to revise my write up here.  This is a far more useful account from someone that is unknown to the staff here.

The first thing you notice about Elysion is how flat-out stunning it is!

Every view is more gorgeous than the last, with interesting trails and alcoves for canoodling (cabins, a tent, campgrounds....).  The sim is sprawling with teleports placed somewhat strategically, it is easy to lose your bearings but honestly?  I didn't mind at all!

Another amazing view, and the gorgeous roman bath!

Its hard to isolate exactly which build is the jewel in Elysion's crown, but I am guessing it's The Luxe, their cozy and sexy theater.  I was enchanted by the private box (below) and then I looked up...and added a whole new dimension in interest to this build!

The Luxe, down and up!

Elysion has scheduled socials and themed parties weekly, and the builds for these are fantastic! Once a month on Sunday at 12pm SLT they have (big inhale) BURLESQUE!  The event schedule is supplied in notecards available at TP locations around the site.  Also,here are some of the most unique and polished avatars I have ever seen (yes, I mean you, Zero!).

Now for the negatives, and these are considerable. 
1.  There is no one here.  Seriously.  Unless there is an event, bring a date or prepare for the ghost town. 
2.  ....Unless there is an event.  The events get a huge turnout, unfortunately the lag then is outrageous!. 
3.  The avi's here are not very social.  There is a tendency in SL to ignore people.  One of the great things about adult sims is that people will talk to you - and at the better sims conversation is far witty and engaging (as opposed to the more common "u want sex now?") This is one of many reasons to hang out with the "adult" crowd.  Everywhere but Elysium, that is.  Not only can you count on being ignored at Elysium events,  they actively discourage having fun in group chat! Appearance, only the sim owner is allowed to post random fun items in group chat.  This is not stated anywhere in the group charter and is a bizarre rule at best. It's also a bit mind boggling as group chat is a great place to get avi's together for impromptu parties and socialization.  It is a terrific tool for driving business to the sim, but not for Elysuim I guess. Behold, their success...

Personally, I try to raise the fun bar in dead places like Elysium and The Chamber by starting discussions in group chat and/or local, by stripping naked and swinging from a stripper pole,  whatever means necessary for a good time is my motto!  Here I was actually ejected from the group when another avi and I started joking around - and we had the conversation rolling too!  Shame on us I guess (but hey!  I made a new friend!).

I had fun here during an unscheduled event once, but they are unscheduled and I now suspect more like command performances for the owner as she is the only one that can post them (my earlier review stated that I found a great one via group chat.  Oh, well). 

New friends....and a spontaneous gif to get the party started!

Elysion seems to be in direct competition with The Chamber, and offers itself as an alternative to "standing around in cigar smoke." The cost is the same and average for a paid group - 350L ($1.75 USD). Do I think it's worth it?  Well, paying to join the group only to get kicked out for using it?  Use your own judgement.  Its pretty cheap and the builds are great. 

NOTES:  In SL it's all about how you feel.  No one likes to be censured, and a warm welcome and special effort to speak to the people you don't know (not just the regulars) can make all the difference!

Pay your date's way and wow her right into bed in this glorious place!


Happy New Year!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

1.4 - 4Play CLOSED

By Anonymous  

 Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5   Design                
5   Uniqueness               
0   Animations
0   Crowded                 
0   Pervable                           
0   Staff.                   (drive thru only!)
2   Ambient sound   (sounds like slot machines)
--   Music                 (voices voices voices)
0   Going stag?                         
2   Lag
0  Noobs
TOTAL:  1.4


When I first discovered 4Play I could NOT believe this amazing build!  It is like a glowing candy paradise with lots of skin!  And the skin is beautiful - snazzy updated mesh bodies that look sexy, not grotesque.

There is a lm here to another place called "Original Sin."  They seem to be owned by different people and I am not too clear on the relationship, but Original Sin is like and classed up Fuck Me Daddy.  I loved the transparent curtains for voyeuristic delight, and the design in general is classy classy classy - just how I like my freaky sex (the bar is by Vita so we know it's upscale all the way).

I really could not imagine why I never heard of this place before, until I noticed it's a ghost town.  Seriously.  I have been there several times and there is never any traffic - by that I mean I am the only one there.  I also tried the animations in the beds, and they are horribly outdated.

Back at the club, I noticed one of girls actually using "Entice," one of the very first mocap dances ever in SL and so old you can actually get it free now.  Not that it matters, the most men I have ever seen here is 3. They use voice a lot at the club which is ok, but I rezzed in the middle of a boring and unending discussion about.....McDonald's.  I pulled a ripe, full cherry into my mouth and tried not to feel my skin crawl at the thought of ingesting fast food.  In an effort to inspire a better topic of conversation I made a joke about the photo on the floor.  It's a chick holding a disembodied cock that is dripping with cum (seriously.  Its bizarre).  I was told by one of the dancers that "if that disturbs you then you don't need to be here."

That explains the total lack of traffic.

When I first landed I send a notecard to the owner, praising her build and asking her what she charges for her photography - she is truly gifted.  She never bothered to respond.

What a waste.

NOTES:  Remember to be nice and ingratiating - you don't know who that new avatar is!  Make everyone feel welcome! Also, while random talk is often hilarious and welcome, keep it entertaining.  This isn't really social hour, it's work. 

Go and enjoy the build once, then TP to one of the other places we review to have fun.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

This pen for hire!

We are on hiatus right now. It's called "summer."

Several people have tried to contact me regarding writing gigs. I'm sorry!  I really never considered that you would like me that much!  Awwww...shucks!

 If you would like to hire me to edit or write something for you, you may contact me here anytime!

Thank you - I am so flattered!

Get some sun!

- Penny

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wow! I'm a sex magnet! (How to look HOT in SL) - an ES Tutorial Blog Supplement (NWS)

by Penny London

Look at your avatar.  Really look.  Ask yourself one simple question:"Do I incinerate panties by logging in? Do I reduce clothes to wrapping paper on my avatar? Am I blisteringly hot?"

If you asking this question, yes you are.  As the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem CONGRATULATIONS!

It's ok to be a noob. We were all noobs once.  Mostly your noobishness results in a reaction of "Awww, look!  How cute," depending on how you act and where you are.  The big exception here, of course, are the adult sims.  Frankly, we don't want you rubbing your noobish pixels on us.  Period.

Since the vast majority of people join Second Life for sex/relationships, this presents a problem. ES is here to help you solve it, as quickly and painlessly as possible.

I go into the reason for all this in detail here (where I tell you how to get laid).  This is a crash course on eradicating noobness. There are many ways to solve your noob problem. There are also a few criteria critical to avoiding it.  These are:
- Shape - no peaheads!  Make sure you are proportioned correctly. Also, beware no-mod shapes! You don't want thousands of twins, do you?  
- Skin - shading and realism is key
- Eyes - so many to choose from and very reasonable!  They must appear liquid, not flat.
- Hair- This is the big tell. Get a modern one.
- AO - this is how you tell people who you are. Pick one that suits you.
- Turn off your "typing" and "away" animation!
- Genitals - again, realism is key.
- Attitude - be a gentleman/lady.  Treat avis like the humans they are. 

Yuck, mesh. Since this is a huge and costly undertaking I address it in detail here. If you are curious about mesh read that post first, look at the comparison photos, and decide if mesh is for you. If not I'll see you back here in a few minutes! No rush, I'll hold your place :)

Forget it, it doesn't exist.  You can never get everything you need in one place and we only dream that you could all just buy attitude.  The below, however, is as close as you get.

Some creators sell "complete avatars."  This is a very tricky area as you have to be 100% sure of the creator's skill or you will end up making a lateral move in noobtown.  That is not what you want.  You want angels to sing and clouds to part (among other things) when you walk into a room.  For this reason I am going to provide some of my favorite creators for you now and explain what to look for when finding the avatar that suits you.

There are two ways to shop in Second Life.

A. Inworld
As a noob, I recommend this as a first step.  You need to learn the difference between a finished avatar and a noob first hand.  You also get a great idea of the diverse choices available by window shopping first.  This is the best way to discover options you may never have considered previously - like tattoos, cat ears and unique facial hair.  This option (A) is more expensive than (B) below, but there is the chance that you won't need to change much after you have settled on your first avatar once you create it this way. Just remember, because most shapes are copy there are no refunds so try the demo first and THEN purchase!

My preferred Inworld creators for one stop shopping are:
Laqroki (Laq). - everything but AO. I prefer Laq for hair as the hair is more masculine and less "fluffy" than most.
Unique Megastore - no AO, no hair.  

Many wigs need a hairbase.  This is a layer that colors your scalp to match the color of your hair.  The best are at Analog Dog and they are free.  AD also provides great hair.

Argrace also has terrific masculine hair.

Many sellers give a free AO away for noobs.  I am loyal to Vista.  The 1L male/female AO is a little generic but its serviceable and you can add on to it later.

B.  The Marketplace.
When shopping in the Marketplace, make sure to adjust your maturity levels drop down box to include "adult" or your search will return with an empty page! 

This is where it gets tricky.  First of all, for reasons I have never understood, Marketplace doesn't allow Boolean search criteria so drilling down the selection to what you are looking for is a task.  Secondly, you can't always get an accurate idea of what the avatar looks like from a tiny, Photoshopped, picture (see the vagina section below for an excellent example of this). On the other hand, you can get a great looking avatar for 1/3 of the cost if you know what to look for.  Of course if you knew what to look for you wouldn't be a noob, right?  ES is here to save the day with our list of online creators.  Please note: most of the inworld creators will put their work online so many or all of the avi's you see in A will be listed in the marketplace and vice-versa.  I can't recommend using the "see item in second life" or "inworld store" link strongly enough!  Go there and look at it in person, this simple step can save you from making a critical error! Remember, there are no refunds!

My preferred Marketplace vendors for one stop shopping are:

Noya, one click will really do it all - or most, anyway. Great for women and men, Noya sells shapes (modifiable) skins eyes and AOs - no hair.  Her products are wonderful quality for much less cost than usual and I like her mesh feet better than the pricey ones!  The skins are expertly detailed, for women this means no vagina needed (see below)!

Noya's AO is very basic but adequate and you can build onto it later.

...and just like in life, you have to try hair on to make sure it looks good on your avi.  Sad but true.

Noelle (hair) is a steal online and great quality!

Poison Aura provides a great shape and style card for a very polished look, but there are drawbacks to this method (see below). 

Analog Dog  for hairbase +

Here's my new Ultra Shape.  I used his enclosed style card.  Even with all my shopping tricks and 7 years of SL experience it took 3 hours to complete him. I was totally overwhelmed!  For this reason I am not sure I would recommend this method to a noob. Of course the best way to learn is to do, so use your own judgement but pack a lot of patience.

Many creators, like Ultra Shape, include a style card to create the complete avatar image....this can get tricky.  You have to rely on the creator's ability to speak English (many of the best do not), and their ability to accurately locate and describe the skin/hair/shoes whatever they are directing you to.  As things in SL change constantly, this can be a problem.  Also, physically going to a sometimes huge store to find one item can be overwhelming. The best way to power shop with a notecard is to use the "area search" feature.   This is available in the Firestorm viewer, I'm not sure of the others.

 How to use Area Search effectively:

1.  open the tool

 2. Type in the name of that you are looking for

3. Double click the item you are looking for.  A red arrow will appear on your screen that will guide you to the item.  You can also right click and use the flyout menu to TP to the object but this is not always a great plan as you can end up flattened against a wall like a human fly.

That is correct, you have no sex organs.
~Cock Shopping: Yes, you need a penis. Honestly what penis is up to you. This Cock Shop article is a great guide.  Right now the most popular are the most expensive - the Aeros and the Xcite.  The frequency of these updates are astounding and I'm sure by the time you read this it won't be true anymore, however the big question seems to be:  does price matter?

I am a woman and I don't think so - unless, or course, you plan to stand around naked with an erection (obviously). If you emote well you don't really need all the bells and whistles, you just need it to match and not be ridiculously huge. Let me repeat that, it doesn't need to be HUGE, boys, for so many reasons (these reasons!).  It does need to look good, but the less expensive ones do that too. Both cheap and pricey cocks offer various orgasm animations to help you express yourself when your hand's are busy. This is a plus!

Conversely, let me warn you that the first thing we do is inspect your penis (details below).  If we see "hugsies" or "freebie" we won't be impressed - but its not really a deal breaker unless it looks stupid.  The more expensive ones seem to mean that you are a player.

Again, read Cock Shop and make your own decision.

~Vagina Shopping: Women have a selection of vaginas as well.  Some are laughably hideous,but unlike the cocks it's harder to tell until after you spend the Lindens. No vaginas are needed.  No one cares, and most good skins have a serviceable one painted on.
Two of the best vaginas on the SL market:  The #1 most expensive, top of the line, supposedly responds to furniture Xcite X4 "Dahlia" thick lipped version, or as I like to call it "sausage lips" (shudder).  This is an excellent opportunity for you to check the link and see how PhotoShop can make raw meat look almost appealing.

We have a winner! The new VAW mesh vagina is truly realistic with great options including clitoris sizing! As you can see I have not found my clit yet, but I will! Soon!
~Foot/Hand Shopping:
The SL avatar mesh is really terrible in a lot of places, feet and hands are two.   Personally the hands don't bother me as much as our weird flipper-like mashed-up feet.  For this reason I have purchased nice pointed mesh feet from Noya for times when they show.  For some reason women are more astute about this than men (men don't notice whether we have a vagina either though, so what do I really expect here?).  Personally, I like my naked men to have feet, not flippers.  Just sayin'.

~Mesh Boobs/Ass shopping:
I have yet to meet a man that actually thinks this look is attractive.  Especially with the bounce turned on so the boobs flap and wave like a shutter stuck to your chest.  Seriously girls? Skip this.

OMG take those off NOW. Yes, NOW!

In SL even more than RL, clothes make the man. Again there are many many options but without a skilled eye its best to just go somewhere and select a nice versatile outfit you know will look great.

*SOAPBOX*  Lately, the "in" thing is mesh.  I despise mesh.  It takes forever to load and all you can see is the alpha (invisible layer) so you end up in a room of floating heads. Also, it doesn't fit. Sadly it is a huge improvement over the system + prim coats and pants we had up to now to switch those over now.  The rest can wait. *END SOAPBOX*

My favorite one stop creators:

Lapointe and Bastchild (watch out for dated items in the free room, though!)
Gabriel - get some great freebies here too!

The top picks for absolutely everything are in the style cards listed here.

...because in SL either can work for you.

Avatars are a work of art, and extension of yourself.  The rush of embodying the perfect avatar is hard to describe, and well worth the effort!

~Inspect your surroundings!
Learn to use the "inspect" feature in your browser, when you see hair or an outfit you like, inspect it!

How to "inspect" in Firestorm - 1. Right click an item,then
This last step is the key, the name of the part of the item you clicked on appears at left.  To find out where to buy it click the Creator Profile button and read the profile.  Some creators make base prims or sculpts etc. for resale but did not create the entire object, so reading is fundamental.

Inspect only work s for prims or mesh, for a shape or skin you will need to ask the avatar.  Don't be afraid to do this!  We are all proud of our avatars and most people are flattered and happy to share this information with you.  Just remember, as in all things, be nice!

~ Join the Fashion Emergency group !
This is the one with over 1000 members - in world paste the following into local:
Six Kennedy's group has been around since SL has I think, and these girls know their business.  They can tell you where to get what you want, and are not afraid to be open and honest.  Just remember to be nice!  This is NOT the forum for complaining.

~Join the MenStuff group here!
In world paste the following into local:
They have up to the minute hunt and special info specifically for men!  And they are really nice.

The best avatars are an evolving process. We see a shape we like and then a skin, or vice versa.  We constantly update our hair - style and color.  Men can change from soul patch to goatee etc. These are just the human options, there are a myriad of fantasy/animal options too and all the shades in between.  My point here is that there is no limit to the individualization you can add to your avatar.  Literally the sky is the limit (I wore a thundercloud and rain for a week once when I was having a particularly difficult time...a friend of mine literally floats on air when she stands).  So keep your eyes open and look around you, you never know what you might see.

Some of my favorite SL creators are:
CS Shapes  (Xanthe does wonderful realistic work and will create from a photo!)
Bad@zz skins (these skins are a bit orange, some hate them. Up to you)
Unique Megastore

CS Shapes (again)
Fluffygirl - skin and shape (Roxy Daguerre does realistic and attractive curves, and will create from a photo as seen here, with Heartsick skin)
Aeva // Heartsick - skin and shape (Amesha has marked some of my favorite skins down to 10L, snap them up now!
Unique Megastore

...and as always all the wonderful creators on these style cards.

You didn't really think this would be easy, did you?  It's SL after all!

Friday, February 14, 2014


by Penny London 

UPDATE:  This savvy island is now at capacity 80% of the time!  Great job, Hayz!  More photos soon!

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5   Design                
5   Uniqueness               
5   Animations
5   Crowded                 
5   Pervable              (the people that are here are hot and busy - and friendly!)                  
5   Staff.                   (Hayz is a sweetheart that is devoted to her visitors)
5   Ambient sound   (gentle waves and birds)
5   Music                 (Hayz takes your requests for land stream!)
3   Going stag?        (for exploring and perving)                  
5   Lag
3  Noobs


 The end of a long day....perfect!

The Island has had a renovation and is under new management - well, half of the original management - and it's better than ever!  I could totally go here on a date...and have, and left some very happy boys in my wake!


 The hidden gor caves...beautiful fun!

Not only if this island tranquil, the animations are all state of the art. Multiple partners are accommodated in the "orgy room," actually a globe.  There is also a "BDSM tree," and  "Forest" globe in addition to many creative areas on the island that give the illusion of seclusion that both voyeurs and exhibitionists love! There is NO lag here. There are some noobs but mostly it's  the mid-to hottie range.  Also, even with the low traffic I have met some great men - and women - here. Everyone is very friendly.

It's also all free, which really has me worried.  Sims in SL need money and traffic to survive!  I go frequently and tip high and often.
Go!  Now!  And TIP to keep this sim alive!


Penny posts location images in her profile

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2.5 - Bound to Excite

by Anonymous (edited by Penny London)

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
3 Design
4 Uniqueness
3 Animations
2 Crowded
1 Pervable
1 Staff
-- Ambient sound  (none)
3 Music                 (contemporary upbeat 181.FM)
2 Going stag?        (the Jungle Pleasure club is a fun trip!)
-- Noobs                 
3  Lag        
TOTAL: 2.5 - this would be much higher if there was a landing area with directions and a discreet tp navigation system!

Bound to Excite is a little confusing so I'm going to try to straighten it our for you now.  There is no landing point for the sim that I can find, and therefore no list of TP locations/attractions.  I did get a list from the Eyes Wide Shut owner, but it didn't provide any clear distinction between the different areas.  Further, the owner is frequently present on the sim but does not always respond, or respond coherently.  When I had to ask repeatedly for clarification he commented that I "seemed confused by Second Life." (!!)  WARNING!!  He reliably responded when he wanted me to join in one of his "play sessions" so be careful when accepting TPs from him!

 The scenic area

 The ruins.

I will try to clarify the sim layout here, to the best of my abilities. This sim is basically a collection of clubs on sub-divided parcels that blend together a bit too seamlessly. Intertwined between them, the sim is lovely to explore. My personal favorite areas are the scenic area and the ruins. There are lovely wooded areas and a path that are very pretty as well. I am a little confused by some of the build - there is an invisible outcropping in the middle of the path at one spot that makes it impossible to walk straight, and one the "Bound Melodies" TP destination places the end of an empty driveway? "Water Bound" drops you in the bottom of the ocean. There is also a helicopter pad but no explanation what it's for or why it's there. So there are some rough edges to smooth out.  Also the animations are placed minimally throughout the sim, and not all are full sex animations.  This means you can't count on there being unplanned romantic options at all here, and no way to know if you can get lucky until you play with the menu which is confusing and, well, awkward.

Jungle Pleasure Club:
This is the jewel of Bound to Excite in my opinion.  I've visited several times, the jungle theme is well done and interesting with much to explore. It features full sex rugs in clever caves and nooks for the illusion of privacy.   The club area can be busy when there is an event.  It's a lot of fun alone or with a date.

Naturally Bound Beach Club:
This area features another secret sex nook behind a waterfall that I just love, and a pretty sculpted beachfront.  The beach house is fully functional with a stripper pole etc, though I didn't use any of the animations it is a classy build so I have to assume they are at least OK. There is a navigable boat as well, which is probably fun but I couldn't get it to work.  The lag here was terrible, I have no clue why as no one else was there!  I had to tp out.

Eyes Wide Shut Society:
PLEASE NOTE:  the LM that you receive when you land is incorrect!  You will go falling through space if you use it!

Yes, there is more than one Eyes Wide Shut in SL.  Its' nice to know that crappy movie was inspiring in some way!  Please note the distinction, this build is the EWS Society, not the EWS Role Play build. This is a club and garden area. The club is beautiful, unique and upscale with a cigar room and opulent lobby.  The garden is inside a Stonehenge build and is where DJs are hired for formal events.  You must pay to join this group, the cost is the average 350L (1.75 USD).  Is it worth it?  No.  In over a month I have never seen a single avatar in this club other than the owner and various members of his harem. He does hire terrific DJ's for the garden area but those events have low attendance as well.  Go the EWS RP sim instead, your chances are better.  This is a real shame the place is beautiful and has so much potential to just sit empty.

The Topaz:
The LM on the notecard I received from the EWS owner was incorrect and landed me in the dressing room, which confused the Hell out of me!  Thankfully the Escorts/Dancers here are friendly and outgoing and hooked me right up!  This is your basic upscale leather and wood "Gentleman's Club," with stripper poles and escorts.  The price list is displayed prominently on the wall, which is nice. There are frequent notices to join the group...for Carrie's Lingerie?  Apparently you have to invited personally to the Topaz group by one of the staff.  I am not sure of the group benefits. There are private rooms for escorting but understandably I didn't try them out so I can't advise on animations.  I would recommend this place to single men, these girls are sweet!

This is the most confusing area.  The beach houses are unique and arranged successfully to feel like a real beach community, but my friend and I were tp'd out with no warning before we could explore them.  The sim animations here are "cuddle."  There was mystery lag here as well.

There are no signs to let you know that you are entering or leaving any area and this is extremely confusing when you think you paid for a group membership and then get tp'd out.

1. TP your date directly into the Jungle Pleasure club! 
2. Get a notecard of landmarks from the owner if you want to explore

GO TO beach rentals

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

4 - Eyes Wide Shut - Role Play (EWS RP)

by Anonymous (edited by Penny London)

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
4 Design
4 Uniqueness
5 Animations
3 Crowded
3 Pervable
1 Staff
5 Ambient sound  (waves)
3 Music               
4 Going stag?  
5 Noobs                 
4  Lag        
TOTAL = 3.5 (I added .5 for Porthos, Athos, Aramis and D'Artagnon, four truly excellent men that I met here - and yes Penny knows your identities and will be happy to reveal them if you ask her nicely.)

Have you seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut?  If so, you probably hated it like everyone else.  That movie was a huge turkey in every way ... except one: the set.  Thankfully that is what this SL representation is inspired by!  The manicured grounds lead up to a lovely castle/mansion with small but adequate beach to one side. Inside there is a piano/living room, orgy room, lockable bedrooms, and BDSM stuff around.  It is a short and enjoyable exploration.  I wish there was more to do at this sim, it seems like there could be more done with the space, but so far so good.

The build is lovely and consistent throughout. You are given a cloak and mask when you join, and the group tag is careful to note that we are all anonymous strangers. When uncloaked the men are in very nice suits or tuxes, and the women in evening gowns. The animations are top notch. Now that they hired Manon to DJ the music doesn't suck, but the land stream can be really terrible at times.  There are regular events that include a "ritual" - the kissing ceremony from the film.  There are auctions and parties to draw a crowd as well - and if there are people here, they are going to get naked so you will probably hook up.  Also, EWS is all about voyeurism so the perving is reliably great then.  Also it caters to short orgys which can be fun if brief.

This brings me to the negatives.  If there is no event here it can be a ghost town, and when there is a "ritual" the lag is insane. Also, they do not tell you to turn off your name tags for the ritual - in fact you are lucky to get direction of any kind - so the rituals are very confusing and the whole point, sex with an anonymous stranger, is profoundly defeated.

I would give them points for trying, however when I excitedly participated in the ritual my oblidate opted to take me to an unrelated SL event instead of helping me break in the orgy room and then he poofed on me with no apology.  NICE!  The auction I participated in ended equally badly - at the last minute I was purchased by someone I never met, who never bothered to speak to me and was 4 hours late for our date.  When I TP'd in he told me to take off my dress because he "paid good money for my ass."  Lovely!

Sadly this was not the first time I was treated like a whore by a member of EWS.  This seems to be a prevalent attitude here.  So if you are into that, more power to ya. Take off your clothes and enjoy one of the fully loaded D/s chairs.

Conversely, I have met several amazing men here as well. These individuals are unique, educated, classy and wonderful lovers! They also have the morals of alley cats, but hey! It's not like I picked them up in the produce section at Safeway is it?  Some of that is to be expected at any adult sim, I have yet to figure out if it's worse at EWS or if they are just more honest about it here. Still you have to look hard and be more selective that you would think to find a real (read "respectful") man here, which is disappointing given the commitment to elegance.

As far as the women go, they are beautiful and sexually active but after that I have no clue.  I get the impression that the male:female ratio is stud heavy here or else I am just dazzled by all the masculine beauty and ignore the girls completely. I have met exactly one other friendly and outgoing woman here (Hi Piper!).  Of course, I'm a girl so....

Staff here is notably unhelpful, usually they don't answer when you IM or answer very very late and have a habit of abandoning you mid-conversation (and mid-dance!) with no explanation.

EWS RP costs 300L to join the group (about $1.50 USD) which makes it slightly less expensive than average. It is definitely worth it!

Dress up and keep a very mellow attitude, you don't know which chocolate you're gonna pick.


2 - FMD (Fuck Me Daddy)

by Run Chan

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
4 Design                 (landing spot is far below the club's standards)
3 Uniqueness
5 Animations
4 Crowded
3 Pervable
0 Staff
2 Ambient sound  (none - but when the cinema streams you can hear the moaning)
2 Music                 ("We Play It All" 181FM, the name says it all)
1 Going stag?        (it is a nice, but short, exploration)
1 Noobs                 
2  Lag        

So there is this place called "Fuck Me Daddy". Yeah. Nice name. Up to yesterday they had a nice advert image showing said Daddy sporting a giant cock and a perv face, surrounded by his supposed daughters. The full set of images is on display in the corridor bringing you to the club’s entrance. Tasteful? Lots.

Right, but how does it look? Quite fine I have to admit. The landing is in a sleazy square room with adverts and all, but once you walk through the corridor with Daddy and his girls looking at you the excellent build quality is revealed. Still it’s a square room but the atmosphere and lighting are just fine and the furniture is high quality. Stools at the bar have nice animations allowing a near-to-real tease to others sitting there - nobody use them though, i guess it’s too sophisticated for the present attendance (details below).
 The bar and empty stools

A clever nook for socializing
Animations in general are of the best quality. Virtually everything is animated, and there are appealing options emphasis on looking at another couple’s play to get aroused. No stiff, average animations here, everything is quite nice to look at. Table dances aren’t of the best quality but oh well.

For those not ready to play in public, there are a couple of rooms on the back of the stage which I didn’t use but really enjoyed since they're among the best I’ve found - great look, furniture and lighting. I don’t know about animations but I assume they must be of the same quality as in the main room.

Science fiction theme for the passage from the stage to the rooms

The beautiful Red Room, with a scary theme.

The pink and silver room, sweet and girly.

The movie theatre has many categorized videos, of different quality but are easy to watch in general. As it often happens with movie theatres in SL, when a movie is playing the audio will be spread over the whole club, which can be embarrassing at times.

Lately there’s been an image twist of sorts truthfully. The ad picture has been replaced by something classier (and quite anonymous), and rules made much stricter mostly on a couple of subjects:

1. No child avatar / ageplay / blah blah
2. No newbie looking avatars

Not sure the outcome has been quite as expected.  I wonder what they have in mind when they settle very strict rules about ageplay and avatar look and then keep that name. I’m not sure coherence is in fashion but common sense should suggest a limit to blatant contradiction. And no, I’m not ready to take it as a joke. Are you?

In SL age is usually figured by avatar height. In fact, I’ve stood there totally unnoticed a number of times in the past, while after the new rules were enforced it took just a couple of visits for me to be booted out of the club. Since I still had to shoot a couple of photos for this review I thought I’d send my old friend Sissi, who’s a good photographer and happened to be online. She isn’t curvy, just like me, but she is at least one foot taller making her over seven feet tall. Guess what? She was asked to leave as well, for looking like a child!  Now I must say Sissi, though unusual looking, is unquestionably adult…but hey!  Here are the photos, you decide!


Child No.1 - Myself seconds before I was ejected.


Child No.2 - Sissi. It’s very easy to see how tall she is.

OK so what is the immediate result? The club gets full of mega-lolas and fatass equipped girls dressed sluttily, very unlikely to be mistaken as children by even such narrow-minded staff. Men are average looking at best and quite average behaving, as a direct consequence. With this behaviour encouraged without the hassle of selecting the girls and giving them money for their work?  It feels like a random brothel in there. If that’s what they want they kinda achieved it, but I’m not going to back it up to be sure.

The beautiful stage build and a good example of a non-child avatar.

So, the place is fine looking and all, but attendance isn’t now quite what our blog readers would like to find. Sexually self-conscious people are replaced by ever-horny dolls and emotivelly challenged macho-men. Many are noobs and immature so interesting conversations happen very seldom. Though they don’t harassers you outright, refusing a sexual advance will often bring a resentful silence which is very off-putting. . 

More interesting people and myself are going to meet somewhere else for sure.

1. TP your date directly into one of the sweet back rooms.
2.  If you are female, Lola and Fatass up and keep your expectations low!