Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2.5 - Bound to Excite

by Anonymous (edited by Penny London)

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
3 Design
4 Uniqueness
3 Animations
2 Crowded
1 Pervable
1 Staff
-- Ambient sound  (none)
3 Music                 (contemporary upbeat 181.FM)
2 Going stag?        (the Jungle Pleasure club is a fun trip!)
-- Noobs                 
3  Lag        
TOTAL: 2.5 - this would be much higher if there was a landing area with directions and a discreet tp navigation system!

Bound to Excite is a little confusing so I'm going to try to straighten it our for you now.  There is no landing point for the sim that I can find, and therefore no list of TP locations/attractions.  I did get a list from the Eyes Wide Shut owner, but it didn't provide any clear distinction between the different areas.  Further, the owner is frequently present on the sim but does not always respond, or respond coherently.  When I had to ask repeatedly for clarification he commented that I "seemed confused by Second Life." (!!)  WARNING!!  He reliably responded when he wanted me to join in one of his "play sessions" so be careful when accepting TPs from him!

 The scenic area

 The ruins.

I will try to clarify the sim layout here, to the best of my abilities. This sim is basically a collection of clubs on sub-divided parcels that blend together a bit too seamlessly. Intertwined between them, the sim is lovely to explore. My personal favorite areas are the scenic area and the ruins. There are lovely wooded areas and a path that are very pretty as well. I am a little confused by some of the build - there is an invisible outcropping in the middle of the path at one spot that makes it impossible to walk straight, and one the "Bound Melodies" TP destination places you...at the end of an empty driveway? "Water Bound" drops you in the bottom of the ocean. There is also a helicopter pad but no explanation what it's for or why it's there. So there are some rough edges to smooth out.  Also the animations are placed minimally throughout the sim, and not all are full sex animations.  This means you can't count on there being unplanned romantic options at all here, and no way to know if you can get lucky until you play with the menu which is confusing and, well, awkward.

Jungle Pleasure Club:
This is the jewel of Bound to Excite in my opinion.  I've visited several times, the jungle theme is well done and interesting with much to explore. It features full sex rugs in clever caves and nooks for the illusion of privacy.   The club area can be busy when there is an event.  It's a lot of fun alone or with a date.

Naturally Bound Beach Club:
This area features another secret sex nook behind a waterfall that I just love, and a pretty sculpted beachfront.  The beach house is fully functional with a stripper pole etc, though I didn't use any of the animations it is a classy build so I have to assume they are at least OK. There is a navigable boat as well, which is probably fun but I couldn't get it to work.  The lag here was terrible, I have no clue why as no one else was there!  I had to tp out.

Eyes Wide Shut Society:
PLEASE NOTE:  the LM that you receive when you land is incorrect!  You will go falling through space if you use it!

Yes, there is more than one Eyes Wide Shut in SL.  Its' nice to know that crappy movie was inspiring in some way!  Please note the distinction, this build is the EWS Society, not the EWS Role Play build. This is a club and garden area. The club is beautiful, unique and upscale with a cigar room and opulent lobby.  The garden is inside a Stonehenge build and is where DJs are hired for formal events.  You must pay to join this group, the cost is the average 350L (1.75 USD).  Is it worth it?  No.  In over a month I have never seen a single avatar in this club other than the owner and various members of his harem. He does hire terrific DJ's for the garden area but those events have low attendance as well.  Go the EWS RP sim instead, your chances are better.  This is a real shame the place is beautiful and has so much potential to just sit empty.

The Topaz:
The LM on the notecard I received from the EWS owner was incorrect and landed me in the dressing room, which confused the Hell out of me!  Thankfully the Escorts/Dancers here are friendly and outgoing and hooked me right up!  This is your basic upscale leather and wood "Gentleman's Club," with stripper poles and escorts.  The price list is displayed prominently on the wall, which is nice. There are frequent notices to join the group...for Carrie's Lingerie?  Apparently you have to invited personally to the Topaz group by one of the staff.  I am not sure of the group benefits. There are private rooms for escorting but understandably I didn't try them out so I can't advise on animations.  I would recommend this place to single men, these girls are sweet!

This is the most confusing area.  The beach houses are unique and arranged successfully to feel like a real beach community, but my friend and I were tp'd out with no warning before we could explore them.  The sim animations here are "cuddle."  There was mystery lag here as well.

There are no signs to let you know that you are entering or leaving any area and this is extremely confusing when you think you paid for a group membership and then get tp'd out.

1. TP your date directly into the Jungle Pleasure club! 
2. Get a notecard of landmarks from the owner if you want to explore

GO TO beach rentals

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