It is with great regret that I post Jungle of Sin here, and here's why.
I have been visiting for about 7 days, strung out over 2 weeks time. In that time I have explored this magnificent build, chatted with the locals, played the games (they have FENCING!) and tried to join the hunt. In that time, of the 5 men that approached me with both titillating and informative offers, 4 of them turned out to be inexplicable idiots. I mean baffling idiocy here, like none other that I have ever experienced in SL in the 7 years I have been a member, and all on one sim! I left tonight in disgust, left the group, and I will never return.
On the surface, the people are fun and outgoing - but they are very insular. Good luck being included in their group. Looking back I think perhaps it was the fact that I showed up to the hunt dressed for The Hunger Games while they were outfitted for one of the Conan movies...but is superior fashion sense enough reason to freeze out a new initiate? Really?
So! Enter at your own risk I would say. The hunt is very cool and more relaxed than the usual Dom type sims as you can capture the hunters as well (or something, how would I know?). The RLV is limited to that sim only and temporary so it would be ideal for a noob just starting out, if the guys didn't blow goats.
There is one reason to go. The most beautiful human I have ever seen in any world is on the staff there. He has some kind of issue with being affiliated with the Jungle apparently so we'll call him Ynches (check the group roster, you'll figure it out). As I overheard someone put it: "You could get pregnant just looking at this guy." He's worth one visit. Get him to explain the hunt to you. He made me remove his pants.
Here is the actual point score, venture prepared.
Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
5 Animations
2 Crowded
0 Pervable
5 Staff
5 Ambient sound (pleasant frogs and water)
1 Music (weird Portuguese ? folk)
3 Going stag?
- Noobs
2 Lag
Penny has exactly one photo of this sim in her profile. It's the very first one.