Thursday, November 28, 2013

.000000001 - Jungle of Sin

by Penny London

It is with great regret that I post Jungle of Sin here, and here's why.

I have been visiting for about 7 days, strung out over 2 weeks time.  In that time I have explored this magnificent build, chatted with the locals, played the games (they have FENCING!) and tried to join the hunt.  In that time, of the 5 men that approached me with both titillating and informative offers, 4 of them turned out to be inexplicable idiots. I mean baffling idiocy here, like none other that I have ever experienced in SL in the 7 years I have been a member, and all on one sim!  I left tonight in disgust, left the group, and I will never return.


On the surface, the people are fun and outgoing - but they are very insular.  Good luck being included in their group.  Looking back I think perhaps it was the fact that I showed up to the hunt dressed for The Hunger Games while they were outfitted for one of the Conan movies...but is superior fashion sense enough reason to freeze out a new initiate?  Really?


So!  Enter at your own risk I would say. The hunt is very cool and more relaxed than the usual Dom type sims as you can capture the hunters as well (or something, how would I know?).  The RLV is limited to that sim only and temporary so it would be ideal for a noob just starting out, if the guys didn't blow goats.

There is one reason to go.  The most beautiful human I have ever seen in any world is on the staff there. He has some kind of issue with being affiliated with the Jungle apparently so we'll call him Ynches  (check the group roster, you'll figure it out).  As I overheard someone put it: "You could get pregnant just looking at this guy."  He's worth one visit.  Get him to explain the hunt to you.  He made me remove his pants.

Here is the actual point score, venture prepared.

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
5 Animations
2 Crowded
0 Pervable
5 Staff
5 Ambient sound  (pleasant frogs and water)
1 Music                 (weird Portuguese ? folk)
3 Going stag?
- Noobs                 
2  Lag  



Penny has exactly one photo of this sim in her profile. It's the very first one.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

4 - The Abbey

by Run Chan

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
3 Animations
1 Crowded
1 Pervable
3 Staff
3 Ambient sound
5 Music                   (peppy punk/gothic/80s - Darmy is a great DJ and exclusive to The Abbey so join the group!)
4 Going stag?
-  Noobs                  (more here than other places, and more greifers, but still OK)
4   Lag  


Hello! Here’s the newest Intrepid Reporter this blog is kindly hosting, my name is Run! I’ll spend a couple of words about my tone which will probably be quite different from that of Penny, maybe because I’m a lot younger in SL, not yet 2 YO in fact, and I do feel like I’m less experienced in RL as well, I don’t know, maybe just different paths…? Additionally my look is very different from that of Penny, and I think this is affecting interaction in the kind of sims we’re investigating. Furthermore, I’m not English mother tongue, but you guessed that already, didn’t you? Duh.

So I will start with “The Abbey,” a land I’m very fond of as it was one of the first Adult lands I visited. I was told it had underwent quite some changes at the time, but I only saw it like it now appears, a big, beautifully built abbey on a hill, surrounded by a market. Landmark profile makes it a shemales hangout, but this is quite reductive.

Quality building is everywhere. Not only the abbey, the market as well bears no sign of the usual lame builds most markets are made of.  It looks like the peasants’ wooden village at the foot of the mighty Abbey. Products sold however are as in-your-face as they could possibly be, you will find all kind of shameless things and not all are well built or, so to say, pleasant to look at.

Lately the land was empty every time I visited, and this is a real shame! Not only because empty lands are always sad, especially when they are so beautiful, but because one of the land’s real attractions is the kind of people hanging out there. There are no explicit rules entering the land (a real relief) and beings you can find there span from gothic dolls to blue/red skinned women with red devilish male attributes, fantasy characters, furries, altere mistresses. And shemales of course. Each one distinctly elegant no matter how unconventional.

As a newbie I was quite scared of them and shy, but they have always been very supportive, quiet, and intelligent (though explicit and determined). I was told stories and often weirdly cuddled or gracefully entertained. I wonder where they all are right now? Is it just a question of time-zone?

The Abbey's cross-shaped centre/meeting point is a stage of sorts, with good quality poles and chairs all-round. Chair animations have changed lately and this is why they got an overall 3 score, old ones were much better, in fact they were worth a visit for all the funny, erotic and romantic solutions they offered. If I’m in the mood for showing off a little on a pole with a friend anyhow, most of the time I still end up at The Abbey.

Exploring the place can take time, everything is interesting and there are lots of things especially in the apsidal area, which hosts a club advertising activities. A visit to the Choir Loft up above is mandatory (well I like when I can reach high places by stairs in SL), and so is a visit to the beautiful underground dungeon if you can find the entrance. A tad of a Donnie Darko theme is present here and there - I was told the tore down side of the Abbey featured once a detached jet motor. Now it’s been replaced by a menacing monster cat squashing and eating newbies.

Tell me if you're going - I'll join you! (No, really!)

1. Go! Now!
2. Bring a date


Sunday, November 24, 2013

5 - The Wayward CLOSED

by Penny London

UPDATED - it's GONE!  We are trying to get details on what happened. NOOOOOOO!

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
4   Design                
4   Uniqueness               
4   Animations
5   Crowded                
5   Pervable                                
5   Staff                 
--   Ambient sound   (none)
3   Music                 (techno - which fits this place)
5   Going stag?        (for perving and meeting cool people)   
3   Lag                     (it's script-heavy)
3  Noobs                  (some, but they are laughable/ignorable)  


OK, first and foremost this is NOT a date place.  Ok, maybe I mean it's not a FIRST date place. It's here because the people that come to The Wayward are generally entertaining to chat with, and there is ALWAYS somebody gettin' busy so perving is great here.  In fact this is one of the only SL spots I've found that blatantly caters to voyeurism. Also, the clientele is generally attractive (though occasionally I've noticed waves of noobs.  And boys?  Ugly penises are a no-no!).

UPDATE:  It's had a sweet renovation! It's a touch classier and a lot more fun!  Also, I have met so many great guys here I've adopted it as my de-facto residence.

The Wayward does cater to the gamier side of life, so expect less frills and more freedom than the usual ES fare.  It's more like the Clairmont Hotel in Atlanta -  the comfortable place down the street that is great to hang and watch the freaks. Or be a freak, who'll care? There are virtually no rules here, just no griefing and respect the build.  It offers a VIP room, performance areas, hidden two way mirrored room, "lap dance" nooks, discreet escorts, store (which includes acceptable complete avatars), lounge,  spa, car park, sex roulette, rooftop spa and themed bedrooms. The furniture animations are primo...and everything is animated so examine it all! And while it is more casual than the usual ES nasty bathrooms!

WARNING:  touching someone else's poseballs is not acceptable!  There is a rash of noobs doing this lately and the staff has asked you to report their names immediately.  The problem here is that there isn't always a way to tell who is staff, and when I reported it, well, I was stunned at the hostile reception I got.  What a disappointment!

1. Bring an open mind and use yours!
2. Do NOT go afk on the furniture!


Penny posts location photos in her profile

Saturday, November 23, 2013

4 - Teqi's Lounge UPDATED

by Robin Today

UPDATED:  Teqi now charges 600L 1000L to join the group and access is restricted to member's only.  This is great for lag as the crowds have thinned.  There are still lots of people here and I'm told she randomly turns this off and on.  If you don't want to pay just keep trying, I guess - but I think it's worth it.  Just bite the bullet and pay your $4 USD to enjoy this beautiful club.

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5   Design                
5   Uniqueness               
5   Animations
5   Crowded                
5   Pervable                                
-    Staff.                 
-   Ambient sound    (none - use the stream)
5   Music                 (sexy upbeat electronica?  world?  I like it!
3   Going stag?        (for perving- or putting on a show!)
1   Lag                      (TERRIBLE lag, the laggiest of all places so far!)
-   Noobs


Teqi's is fun. It caters to...well, everyone!  It is also the most gorgeous club in SL (adult or other). The clientele dress all the way up so eye candy is primo.  It is also a great spot for voyeurism as it offers amateur everything - from sex shows to pole dancing.  You can even make tips!

I find adult establishments are great for chat as people seem to feel more jaunty.  As a single girl I get hit on at least once a visit here by people that know how to type.  Bonus!  On the other hand, that's not frequent and it can be a bit cliquish so go with a friend or prepare to start the IMs yourself.  Or  BONUS:  Teqi has a great sense of humor.  Explore and find new "things" tucked in corners everywhere.

One negative - it is almost always packed (+) and therefore the lag can be considerable (-), but there is a payoff and patience is a virtue...I hear.

The cost to join the group is 450L.  This is about $1 USD.  The is no reason to join this group other than to support the club,  membership is not required to enter and Teqi is very direct about this.  I love that.  I joined.  So should you.

...and yes, we named the blog here!

1. Dress up!  Best skin, hair and clubwear, make sure to look fuckable.
2. Adjust your graphics for lag before you go!

***NOTE*** I have been here repeatedly, and while there is lots of eye candy I have never met a man worth more than the time needed for random hook-ups.  In other words, you will NOT meet Mr. Right - but you WILL meet Mr. Right Now.


Robin posts location images in her profile

Friday, November 22, 2013

3 - Lost Eden

by Penny London

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
3   Design                
3   Uniqueness               
-   Animations
5   Crowded                 
0   Pervable              (no public sex)         
5   Staff                 
5   Ambient sound   (wind chimes)
3   Music                 (easy listening)
3   Going stag?        (for exploration and great staff.  I didn't hook up)
3   Lag                    
3  Noobs                  (more here than other places but still OK)


It bills itself as "The  top romantic adult sim in sl [and] the most romantic adult island."  Those are some pretty big shoes to fill.  So....does it?

Weeeeeell, yes and no.

On a scale of one to 10 overall I would has great potential!  It's HUGE and gets a point for "fun to explore." The skyboxes are very nice and can be made private!  Some of them (*cough* Victorian Mansion, Egyptian, and Bates Motel - yes, THAT Bates Motel) are creative and unique!  At the very least they are pretty and standard.  The "Solstice" is a fun Druid idea.  And there are many public areas in different themes to choose from.

Unfortunately, the lag is bad.  Also, the main area could use some re-designing as I couldn't find my way around when I landed - in lag hell.  On the upside the staff here is fun, active and available both online and at the landing zone.  When I shouted for help in local Talaluz was absolutely lovely!  She guided me around and waited patiently for my video card to catch up.  And while the noobs are annoying (I did encounter my first griefer), Rails bounced that baddy right outta there!

Finally, I have seen smoother builds and this one could use some polish....but everyone here is a volunteer and frankly their work is not bad at all.

BONUS:  there is a Christmas hunt this year, so you have an "excuse" to go there.  (Rail's Ramblings blog - Lost Eden builder/manager)

You might want to check this one out ahead of time, to avoid lag and looking stupid.
1.  When you dock, make your way to the TP Wall at the opposite end.  
2. To the left are signs that will rez the horse for the main sim tour (currently needs to be updated as it gets stuck in walls etc.) and the Swan tour.  The Swan will take you to all the private rooms (pink) that are not in use, and give you a nice introductory chat in local. 
3.  There is no tour for all the public locations (green) but you can manage.  Touch the signs.
4.  You must join the group to use the private rooms.  This costs 100L - and it should!  This is roughly 40 cents USD.  Pony up.


Penny posts location images in her profile

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Elegantly Shameless: First time here?

Hello, inter-world traveler!

I've been in Second Life for 5 years.  In SL terms, this makes me extremely old.

In that time I have seen the platform grow and advance in amazing ways.  The creativity that rules the grid is simply mind-blowing.  Its definitely a place where you can let your hair down or take it off and implant blue neon whips instead. Whatever you want, even things you didn't know you wanted, it's all there.  And it's all advancing at mock speeds.  Especially if you want to fuck on a dirty gas station floor - and it's been that way since 2005, unchanged!

And herein lies the problem. 

Ah, the SL sex industry. You've all been there, and if you haven't you've heard about it. The SL sex industry is advancing at mock speeds. The poses and animations have started to successfully mimic real life and are improved almost daily.  There are remote controlled real life toys now that you control from your actions in-world. The only thing that doesn't seem to be changing is the setting: a 16 year old boy's sex fantasy.

This presents a problem for those of us that have moved out of our mother's basement and actually experienced real life.  And real life sex which, by the way, does NOT happen on a dirty gas station bathroom floor.  If you are in a romantic relationship, are female, or have actually been in a dirty gas station bathroom you need other options - and the SL pickin's are shamefully slim.

What we find in SL is that art imitates life, and keeping sex interesting is just as hard in your Second as you First life. Harder, in fact, as the same animations over and over again in the comfort of the fully functional sex bed you spent real money on start to look stale almost immediately.  Not to mention, Second Life sex toys are like new cars - they are old the second you drive them off the lot.

For this reason there are themed venues.  And that creativity I mentioned?  Follow my links.

There will be no nasty bathrooms on this blog.

Instead, there will be the beautiful, creative, fantastic adult locations that feature interesting and/or current animations.  These have been painstakingly vetted by yours truly and friends, and discovered after years of searching, step by lagging step. This blog exists to help you get lucky on a date. So the next time you find yourself in-world with an interesting hottie and a conversation that has suddenly turned into a hot date,  open up this blog in a different window and show her (or him) the time of their life!

I will also not review any sim that is flooded with noobs.  We ALL hate noobs!

Photos for locations are located in the reporter's profile where noted, linked to right.  Why pay to upload?

For now, I'm using the scoring system below.  The total points will be listed in the title of the post for ease of viewing.

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
Design                    (quality)           
Animations            (quality)
Crowded                (avatars present)              
Pervable                (couples (+) being ...elegantly shameless!)                
Ambient sound    (for annoyingly loud surf or the pleasant ding of windchimes)
Music                 (is the stream annoying, ignorable or pleasant?)
Going stag?        (this is for the ladies mostly.  Do people talk to you and if so, are they stupid?)   
NOOBS                 (HATE! NOOBS! Noobs will get rid of the real SL patrons fast.  The first rule of SLexing is: if you don't spend any time on your avatar, you won't spend any time with us!)

TOTAL  (basic math, to be shown at blog title)

Also, check my "tips" section for a crash course in successful navigation of each sim.

And by all means, send me your suggestions!  I'm only one avi after all and I can't possibly have this much sex.  I'll even give you an "Intrepid Reporter" credit!