Saturday, November 23, 2013

4 - Teqi's Lounge UPDATED

by Robin Today

UPDATED:  Teqi now charges 600L 1000L to join the group and access is restricted to member's only.  This is great for lag as the crowds have thinned.  There are still lots of people here and I'm told she randomly turns this off and on.  If you don't want to pay just keep trying, I guess - but I think it's worth it.  Just bite the bullet and pay your $4 USD to enjoy this beautiful club.

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5   Design                
5   Uniqueness               
5   Animations
5   Crowded                
5   Pervable                                
-    Staff.                 
-   Ambient sound    (none - use the stream)
5   Music                 (sexy upbeat electronica?  world?  I like it!
3   Going stag?        (for perving- or putting on a show!)
1   Lag                      (TERRIBLE lag, the laggiest of all places so far!)
-   Noobs


Teqi's is fun. It caters to...well, everyone!  It is also the most gorgeous club in SL (adult or other). The clientele dress all the way up so eye candy is primo.  It is also a great spot for voyeurism as it offers amateur everything - from sex shows to pole dancing.  You can even make tips!

I find adult establishments are great for chat as people seem to feel more jaunty.  As a single girl I get hit on at least once a visit here by people that know how to type.  Bonus!  On the other hand, that's not frequent and it can be a bit cliquish so go with a friend or prepare to start the IMs yourself.  Or  BONUS:  Teqi has a great sense of humor.  Explore and find new "things" tucked in corners everywhere.

One negative - it is almost always packed (+) and therefore the lag can be considerable (-), but there is a payoff and patience is a virtue...I hear.

The cost to join the group is 450L.  This is about $1 USD.  The is no reason to join this group other than to support the club,  membership is not required to enter and Teqi is very direct about this.  I love that.  I joined.  So should you.

...and yes, we named the blog here!

1. Dress up!  Best skin, hair and clubwear, make sure to look fuckable.
2. Adjust your graphics for lag before you go!

***NOTE*** I have been here repeatedly, and while there is lots of eye candy I have never met a man worth more than the time needed for random hook-ups.  In other words, you will NOT meet Mr. Right - but you WILL meet Mr. Right Now.


Robin posts location images in her profile

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