by Anonymous
I'm writing this up for one reason: a warning. Do not go here!
Wow. Land. Of. Suck.
I received an invitation to a party on this sim branded with the sim's slogan ❤ CUM, PLAY WITH MY TOYS !! - Madame Aprille Shepherd ❤. I had a couple hours to kill and I am always on the hunt for new places so I zipped on over.
The lag caused the gaudy pink venue to rez slowly. I noticed that most of the avatars were older in style, as was the design - circa 2010 I think. Your basic unimaginative stripper stage nestled under an oppressive yellow sky - the windlight appears to be set on "smog." Last I checked smog was not considered sexy. Of course neither is 2010 hair. I guess they haven't heard.
A nice guy started talking to me almost immediately so that's good.
Unfortunately, Aprille Shepard also happened. The second I landed I got IM'd a paragraph on rules for this hooker sim, I assumed from a bot. Apparently they have a problem with random hookers trying to score here, hence the overly detailed list on how many ways I am NOT to play with her toys. I am no stranger to adult sims. I know the rules. Also, I am not a hooker so her rules were irrelevant to me and I ignored the IM.
I guess I was supposed to reply because she then proceeded to ram her 8 year old overtall, unimaginative, cheaply dressed and AO-free avatar into mine several times. Then she stood in front of me. Before I could finish asking "Are you OK?" she counted down from 10 - 0 then "boot" which prompted me to re-evaluate her status as moron, an update I promptly shared with her. This word seemed to confuse her, she tried to use it in a sentence but failed. I decided to help her out by teaching her a few more new words to look up at some future date.
I also thanked her for this blog post, and suggested that she consider working on her jealousy issues.
So! To recap: I accepted an invitation to a party here and lasted all of 5 minutes before Aprille tried to evict me, presumably for not having a penis. Ironically I did TP in with my male avatar and while I was not physically and verbally threatened that time, I still didn't get the friendly and warm reception one expects in this situation. Skip it. Go to Pink instead.
I live to serve.