by Anonymous
This blog exists because we love you. Its just that simple. We love you, the SL horny wanderer. We love you, the horny genius SL creator! We love you so much we want everyone to have happy orgasms all the time! And we want to make that clear from the start.
Thank you for all the goodness you have thrown our way in return! ES is committed to trust, honesty, and professionalism. Most of you get it and you make every exhausting 4am photo shoot worthwhile. We live to serve you. No, really.
Sadly, not everyone is as awesome as you are. I recently had a very negative experience at a club I adored and frequented tirelessly. Like many of the places we review, it was mostly I used it continually as a backdrop for photo shoots (posting real time slurls in my profile for naughtys). I TPd people in whenever I could, I actively dragged people to events and I gave it a prominent tab on my in-world profile. I also gave it a glowing review here - and altered the actual ES score from a 3 to a 5 as temporary encouragement (I was confident the numbers would go up on their own as more people started visiting - and they have!).
ES staff spends hundreds of unpaid hours promoting sims we love because we truly believe that undiscovered SL diamonds desperately need exposure! That is, in fact, why this blog exists. In reality, it is just as hard for SL businesses to succeed as RL businesses. ES tries its hardest to change that in your favor. We recently we added a Flickr site and started entering contests to increase exposure for these venues and will keep expanding our reach.
None of us expect much for our work on this blog and we certainly don't ask for anything. I do believe, however, that respect is what everyone - not just ES reporters - deserve. Its what humans deserve. And, yes, a little gratitude or appreciation is nice. Not expected, but always appreciated, certainly! After all, we want you to be happy so we can be happy all over your stuff. With you, if we're lucky.
After careful consideration, I revised the blog post for this club to reflect the actual math, and added a lighthearted mention of the exchange because it was 1. funny, and 2. unsuspecting visitors should be warned of the creator's moodiness, however silly.
I continued to promote this club because it didn't stop being awesome, even if I no longer visited. Most people expected me to blacklist it and throw a fit for some reason. That's ridiculous and frankly unprofessional (also immature, FYI). So, because that creator acted like a fool I have to? Why would I waste time I could be elsewhere, fucking? The people I live to serve are out there, and they need me! They probably need me naked! Get the lube, I'm on my way...
Everyone doesn't get along forever. That's life. That is also SL and lets face it, We Know Drama (I happen to be deathly allergic to drama but that's just me and I know I am the minority in SL on this one). Thankfully, most of you get that too!
I also stay friends with my ex-boyfriends. I'm an adult.
Its tempting to use this blog as a personal platform but that is usually inappropriate (unless we are blasting idiotic SL tendencies or something, then its all good). ES is about trust, honesty, and professionalism. If our reviews pinged on our personal relationships we wouldn't have many for long - of either.
And we want lots and lots of both. Because we love you....long time!