Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Flickr Hates You! Get Out Now!

I recently opened my third photo account with Flickr to tie in with this blog.  In case you are not aware, Flickr is one of many free image sharing sites available for public use online.  I am not sure why it is favored by SL, but it is.

Account #1 is for my RL make-up portfolio and features several RL artistic nudes. It is seven years old. Account #2 is an avatar account almost exclusively featuring artistic nudes (like body paint, etc). It is five years old. Neither one of these accounts is moderated at all, in fact I didn't even know Flickr had filters until I opened this one two days ago. Both accounts are completely "safe" and all images are openly viewable to anyone with an internet connection.

This latest site is my first highly sexualized avatar account and because I knew some of the images would be explicit I filtered all nudity as "restricted" and set the account default to "moderate." I have been around long enough to know you don't want uncensored images floating around. I planned to use the adult shots as incentive to increase traffic anyway, so no freebies!

Within six hours I received an email from Flickr moderators informing me that they blocked my account for violating their image guidelines. They also stated that they changed my account default filter to "moderate."

This action was excessive in many ways, not the least of which being that my account default was already set to moderate! Subsequent this action I scoured the site for details regarding their filter policy and found this:

1. Safety Level
Safe - Content suitable for a global, public audience
Moderate - If you're not sure whether your content is suitable for a global, public audience but you think that it doesn't need to be restricted per se, this category is for you
Restricted - This is content you probably wouldn't show to your mum, and definitely shouldn't be seen by kids

A good rule of thumb is, bare breasts and bottoms are "moderate." Full frontal nudity is "restricted."

This is a laughably vague "guideline." Still, by this definition I OVER-censored by "restricting" view of even partial nudity. Hmmm...

My email reply began "Morons:" and continued to point this out.  I proceeded to inform them that, by their own guidelines, my account did not warrant the "moderate" filter I selected and needed to be reset to "safe." In reply, I got a repeat of the boilerplate "you have been moderated" email.

Double "Hmmm..."

 This unacceptable cover photo features almost half of one partially nude butt cheek!

 Well, my cleavage is kind of indecent, I guess.

In search of an explanation I visited the forums and was given some rather unnerving information.  Apparently tight clothing counts as nudity on Flickr. So does any part of a bare butt or breast. But only for this Flickr account.

Cowed into submission, I re-shot my images.

I received  a polite email stating that I was still in violation, as my images were still filtered incorrectly. 

"Moderate" may cover artistic nudes or partial nudity, but these nipples are "restricted!"

Don't forget that I set my account to "moderate" to start with. Not only does that mean I complied fully with their guidelines, there was no need to change my account to "moderate" at all.  They negated their own direction from the very beginning. For this account.

In my final email I shared that they don't deserve me and told them to go fuck themselves.

Its clear that these images are not desired by Flickr.  It is also clear that they have a policy to ostracize and harass this kind of account.  There is simply no other explanation for their baseless repeated actions and nonsense explanations.

I do not condone censorship. While I agree that taste and consideration should be applied to what images are made public in an open forum, this persecution goes beyond all reason. It is targeted, and it is unacceptable.  Why on earth should we continue to promote it?

Flickr has many competitors on which to display my glorious pixels - organizations that encourage diversity, art and expression. I am taking immediate steps to remove all of my accounts to one of these deserving platforms.  I will keep you posted on my progress and update with a link to my new account once I find the home that suits us best!

In the meantime, start packing up your files. We're moving out!

3/8:  suddenly my account is "safe."   Really.  Mhhhmmm.

Photobucket: My very first account was actually here and I still use it. Photobucket is Flickr's most direct competitor. While there are benefits to using this platform, the interface is messier than I would like and currently there are issues with it flashing in and out making it impossible to log in or select what you would like to do.  1/4/16: I included a link to this post in my email to photobucket and received this in reply: 
Photobucket Abuse Team (Photobucket Support)
Jan 4, 12:56 PM
Nudity and partial nudity (such as sheer clothing) is a violation of our terms of use also. You will need to find a provider that allows it. 

Fail.  NEXT!
Deviant Art: This is a strong contender. The real artists live here and it would be a good fit for that reason alone. I will post on the specifics ASAP.

Nope - no nudity there either which is weird because I've seen it.  Hmmm... next.

Tumbler: I understand I can tie the blog in here so that is a big plus. I know it is less restrictive as my understanding is that its Facebook for pervs. More details as they come in.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

4 - Lizard Lounge

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All About The Mesh (NWS)

by Penny London (with Anonymous)

Mesh mesh mesh mesh! SL is in the throes of the mesh revolution. Its soooo much better! Just ask anyone! You simply must get a mesh body!

Wow, do I hate mesh.

1. Mesh bodies look soooo much better!
Its true, mesh is smoother.  That is the main difference. Avatar shoulders are still terrible, the underside of your butt still looks like you had an accident. But hey, don't take my word for it! See for yourself
System butt

 Mesh Butt

System body

 Mesh body (Maitreya, Lara)

To achieve this smoother appearance, mesh requires the use of multiple confusing HUDs - one of the only things you can layer with mesh (more on this later).

My main reason for disliking mesh bodies is that your design options are limited. Currently Maitreya creates the best (2000L including hands and feet), her shapes build on your existing system shape so they don't need as much modding, and the curves of the shape itself are very attractive. While it works well for this avatar, the breast shape is odd (narrow at the base and slightly square). My system breast shape was more realistic.  I do prefer my Mait butt however the divits on my hips annoy me. I can't change these things.

Annoying hip divits

This shape does not work at all on my alt, who is not tall and thin!

2. Where are the men? 
That is a really good question. The other issue with mesh bodies is the total lack of comparable shapes for men.  Slink has an OK male shape but it requires intense modding (2000L no hands or feet). TMP has one that also requires extreme modding and is blisteringly expensive (5000L). The TMP HUD is extremely confusing. Also TMP limits many accessories/clothes/etc to TMP items. Fail.

Slink v1.3 - still modding

TMP - this is the hottest man in SL so it might be worth the money and time if you can mod it like he did.  This cost upwards of 9000L - shape, skin, applier (hair), wig, eyes, cock, AO.  That's $40 USD folks! Of course, with that look he doesn't need clothes so it's really about your priorities. Bonus: SL = safe sex!

I think this is a blessing - mesh is more trouble than it's worth and while you can still get away with not having a mesh body I say enjoy it - but know that your system body better look terrific because the bar just got raised (detailed instructions here).

You will still need to buy genitalia, skin, hair, eyes and other accessories (detailed instructions here also).

Mesh shows textures so much better!  
This is true, it does. It has simply revolutionized builds! And that is where the joy ends. It just isn't sophisticated enough for clothes.  Here's why:

A. No layering. Personally I like to wear layers - great for creating a unique look (or stripping off). Mesh applier layers don't allow this. The alpha layer each layer is created on almost always cancels out the one below. No mix 'n matching allowed.

B. RLV does not work with mesh, so no one else can strip you either.

Mesh moves with you so we can finally have coats and skirts that work!
Not yet. While mesh does offer some movement with the avatar it is very limited and stiff. This works well for coats and pants (definitely buy these in mesh and throw out your old system/prim combinations), but skirts lack flow and while the bend mesh offers is an improvement, it looks like you are wearing a plastic sheet.

C: Mesh clothes don't fit!This is the #1 reason I hate them. Mesh clothes are simply clothing shaped objects that you attach to your avatar.  Keep that in mind and the following issues make perfect sense.

The limited bend causes show through of your avi.

Show through

Mesh cannot accommodate avatar physics well, the result looks like you are wearing a prim (note: many fashionistas claim that physics are old school and no one wears them anymore. They are more than welcome to my share of rigid dresses). 
---> Giggle Jiggle Jiggle!

Mesh clothing is available three ways.
1. Rigged Mesh:
Because mesh is inflexible many clothes are available in 5 "standard" sizes that don't fit anyone. The best you can do is pick one that is close and "alpha out" (hide) the parts that show through. Then you sit immobile all night with your AO off because when you move the invisible parts of your body will show around the mesh object as the lines never meet up exactly.

You see right through me!

2. Fitted/Liquid Mesh:
One resolution for this issue is "fitted" mesh. This is a better option, but because it is basically an algorithmic guess at sizing you will usually see gaps between your mesh outfit and you. While this does accommodate physics, show through will still happen when you move (depending on the creator.  Better creators = fewer issues).  Further, you have to be careful to purchase the fit mesh for your specific body creator or it will not work at all.

Mind the gap!
3. Mesh Appliers:
The final, desperate option to get mesh to fit is appliers. This is like system layers. Obviously these fit everyone as they are basically "painted on," however you have to make sure you purchase appliers for your specific creator. The best work around for this is Omega (this link to the relay for Maitreya shapes). Omega has relay HUDs that you purchase for your particular body creator. Then you can safely buy any clothing that shows the omega logo and know it fits, right?

Well, almost. There are still some unprofessional (or ignorant, I'm not sure which) creators that fail to respect the people that actually purchase their clothes. They list their items with the omega logo but only provide appliers for socks or panties. Its really shoddy business practice from some shockingly mainstream creators that I refuse to support (like Dirty Princess, a gorgeous line on which I spent  over 1000L at Halloween on things I can't wear from an extremely rude creator that banned me for complaining). 

In other words, from now on in your mesh life each purchase will be made in multiple steps - one to try the demo, the next to buy the outfit).

D: Mesh is insanely complicated!  All three options require the layering of multiple HUDs on your screen, completely obliterating the avatar you are trying to dress and overlapping so that you don't always know what HUD you are actually clicking on. Fun!


E: You cannot save mesh outfits. Wow, after all this it sure would be helpful to just "save outfit" and move on, right?  Too bad. The most you can do is save all the applicable HUDs attached to your outfit, then when you load the outfit you only have to click each item HUD and select the applicable colors, layers, etc. Every single time. 

F: Mesh is extremely expensive - in case you can't tell by the prices listed. The days of making a gorgeous avatar without spending money are over if you go mesh, and you can expect to lose thousands of L trying to figure it out (like I did - even with a good friend and mesh expert holding my hand!).

In short, don't be a sheep. Just because something is new doesn't make it better. Use your best judgement and decide what outcome is critical to you (for example, the avatar shown here is usually naked so mesh works great for her!).

I also understand that there is a tool that allows you to convert your favorite system clothes to mesh appliers, which makes sense. I am looking into that next.

I hope this post spares you some of the expense and frustration I endured. If you are still unsure, email me. I will walk you through it personally for a fee ;)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

4 - Pink Gentlemen's Lounge

by Anonymous

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
5 Animations
3 Crowded              (busy during events, usually at least one dancer here)
0 Pervable
5 Staff
-- Ambient sound  (none)
4 Music                 (funky contemporary hip hop, suits the club well
5 Going stag?       (you will always get a date, for pay.  It will be a GREAT date)
5 Lag
5 Noobs:             
TOTAL = 4.2

You may notice that my posts so far have all been resoundingly negative.  The reason for this is Autumn Rose.

Autumn is the owner of :: PINK ::] Gentlemen's Lounge CAM & VOICE ESCORTS, as well as the person who ushered me into the titillating world of upscale SL sex builds so many years ago.  When I met her she was the top SL escort and her emotes made clear how she earned that title.  They were clever, creative, sexy and fun - just like Autumn herself.  She is also kind and smart as hell.

When I found out that she opened her own place, I knew it would be great. I did not expect Pink.  Pink features the kind of classy wickedness found in Zalman King movies. Its what we hoped for when we started exploring the seamier side of life (both in RL and SL) but have yet to experience.  It is unlike anything else in SL - just like Autumn.

It starts at the landing point, which provides a panoramic view of the classy pink and black facade set into a manicured urban city block. This is how to use the color pink for an adult - or any - establishment!

First look

Facing away!

The classy fun continues when you walk in the door.  The floor plan is unusual, cleverly laid out to give the sense of many hidden nooks and crannys in which to release your inner freak.

 This is the way to provide lap dance chairs!  With lotion and viagra on-hand just in case...Autumn thought of everything!

This trip I discovered the Findom nook! Roped for your pleasure....

See the rooms?  We love rooms.  These are great rooms (come explore for yourself :) and we are provided the perfect vantage point to watch people hook up...until we get distracted ourselves. Tissues and lotion are provided (thanks Autumn!)

One corner of the Glam Suite....a bit like a night at the Four Seasons.  I must come back on a date.... 

Pink also boasts a "Gift Shop" - the cleverly integrated outpost for Spoiled!  
Gachas, group gifts and play clothes all in one-stop-shopping!

Awww!  Feels just like home!

The only con here is that its a little dead when there isn't an event. That said, there is at least one girl at all times, ready to treat you like a king.

Autumn Rose simply set the bar too high for the competition.  She treats each and every customer and employee like a friend she hasn't seen in forever -  they, in turn, will treat you the same way.  This, more than all the other benefits, is what sets Pink above and beyond. Pink is obviously geared to men but I alted in as both sexes, was greeted equally warmly and had a blast.  This is very smart and unique for SL men's clubs, where women visitors are generally seen as competition and given the cold shoulder (or booted). No worries here!  Come on down!

Use the chat group!  Its very friendly!