Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
-- Animations
2 Crowded
0 Pervable
0 Staff
-- Ambient sound (none)
3 Music (unusual upbeat
0 Going stag?
1 Lag
1 Lag
5 Noobs:
TOTAL =2.3
I was startled to read this review in a popular online mag and felt prompted to revise my write up here. This is a far more useful account from someone that is unknown to the staff here.
Every view is more
gorgeous than the last, with interesting trails and alcoves for
canoodling (cabins, a tent, campgrounds....). The sim is sprawling with
teleports placed somewhat strategically, it is easy to lose your
bearings but honestly? I didn't mind at all!I was startled to read this review in a popular online mag and felt prompted to revise my write up here. This is a far more useful account from someone that is unknown to the staff here.
Another amazing view, and the gorgeous roman bath!
Its hard to isolate exactly which build is the jewel in Elysion's crown, but I am guessing it's The Luxe, their cozy and sexy theater. I was enchanted by the private box (below) and then I looked up...and added a whole new dimension in interest to this build!
The Luxe, down and up!
Elysion has scheduled socials and themed parties weekly, and the builds for these are fantastic! Once a month on Sunday at 12pm SLT they have (big inhale) BURLESQUE! The event schedule is supplied in notecards available at TP locations around the site. Also,here are some of the most unique and polished avatars I have ever seen (yes, I mean you, Zero!).
Now for the negatives, and these are considerable.
1. There is no one here. Seriously. Unless there is an event, bring a date or prepare for the ghost town.
2. ....Unless there is an event. The events get a huge turnout, unfortunately the lag then is outrageous!.
3. The avi's here are not very social. There is a tendency in SL to ignore people. One of the great things about adult sims is that people will talk to you - and at the better sims conversation is far witty and engaging (as opposed to the more common "u want sex now?") This is one of many reasons to hang out with the "adult" crowd. Everywhere but Elysium, that is. Not only can you count on being ignored at Elysium events, they actively discourage having fun in group chat! Appearance, only the sim owner is allowed to post random fun items in group chat. This is not stated anywhere in the group charter and is a bizarre rule at best. It's also a bit mind boggling as group chat is a great place to get avi's together for impromptu parties and socialization. It is a terrific tool for driving business to the sim, but not for Elysuim I guess. Behold, their success...
Personally, I try to raise the fun bar in dead places like Elysium and The Chamber by starting discussions in group chat and/or local, by stripping naked and swinging from a stripper pole, whatever means necessary for a good time is my motto! Here I was actually ejected from the group when another avi and I started joking around - and we had the conversation rolling too! Shame on us I guess (but hey! I made a new friend!).
I had fun here during an unscheduled event once, but they are unscheduled and I now suspect more like command performances for the owner as she is the only one that can post them (my earlier review stated that I found a great one via group chat. Oh, well).
New friends....and a spontaneous gif to get the party started!
Elysion seems to be in direct competition with The Chamber, and offers itself as an alternative to "standing around in cigar smoke." The cost is the same and average for a paid group - 350L ($1.75 USD). Do I think it's worth it? Well, paying to join the group only to get kicked out for using it? Use your own judgement. Its pretty cheap and the builds are great.
NOTES: In SL it's all about how you feel. No one likes to be censured, and a warm welcome and special effort to speak to the people you don't know (not just the regulars) can make all the difference!
Pay your date's way and wow her right into bed in this glorious place!
Happy New Year!!