Friday, June 13, 2014

1.4 - 4Play CLOSED

By Anonymous  

 Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5   Design                
5   Uniqueness               
0   Animations
0   Crowded                 
0   Pervable                           
0   Staff.                   (drive thru only!)
2   Ambient sound   (sounds like slot machines)
--   Music                 (voices voices voices)
0   Going stag?                         
2   Lag
0  Noobs
TOTAL:  1.4


When I first discovered 4Play I could NOT believe this amazing build!  It is like a glowing candy paradise with lots of skin!  And the skin is beautiful - snazzy updated mesh bodies that look sexy, not grotesque.

There is a lm here to another place called "Original Sin."  They seem to be owned by different people and I am not too clear on the relationship, but Original Sin is like and classed up Fuck Me Daddy.  I loved the transparent curtains for voyeuristic delight, and the design in general is classy classy classy - just how I like my freaky sex (the bar is by Vita so we know it's upscale all the way).

I really could not imagine why I never heard of this place before, until I noticed it's a ghost town.  Seriously.  I have been there several times and there is never any traffic - by that I mean I am the only one there.  I also tried the animations in the beds, and they are horribly outdated.

Back at the club, I noticed one of girls actually using "Entice," one of the very first mocap dances ever in SL and so old you can actually get it free now.  Not that it matters, the most men I have ever seen here is 3. They use voice a lot at the club which is ok, but I rezzed in the middle of a boring and unending discussion about.....McDonald's.  I pulled a ripe, full cherry into my mouth and tried not to feel my skin crawl at the thought of ingesting fast food.  In an effort to inspire a better topic of conversation I made a joke about the photo on the floor.  It's a chick holding a disembodied cock that is dripping with cum (seriously.  Its bizarre).  I was told by one of the dancers that "if that disturbs you then you don't need to be here."

That explains the total lack of traffic.

When I first landed I send a notecard to the owner, praising her build and asking her what she charges for her photography - she is truly gifted.  She never bothered to respond.

What a waste.

NOTES:  Remember to be nice and ingratiating - you don't know who that new avatar is!  Make everyone feel welcome! Also, while random talk is often hilarious and welcome, keep it entertaining.  This isn't really social hour, it's work. 

Go and enjoy the build once, then TP to one of the other places we review to have fun.