Monday, December 2, 2013

4 - Burning Desires - UPDATED!

by Run Chan

Burning Desires is now INVITE ONLY!  Master M allows his slaves to choose the visitors based on criteria like "fun." Interested?  Ask Run.

Score: 0= bad, 5=best
5 Design
5 Uniqueness
4 Animations
3 Crowded
5 Pervable
3 Staff
2 Ambient sound  (average nature noise)
3 Music              (mainstream radio)
4 Going stag?
4 Lag
5 Noobs                (not many)

This land looks beautiful everywhere. All builds are above average, nature has a gorgeous early spring look, and part of it is constantly under the most realistic rain I’ve seen in SL (but good rain is hard to rez). Builds are well integrated and there are lots of hidden places for you to discover. All walls have beautiful explicit photos hanging that encourage less mainstream acts.

Yours truly under the rain. But I have my rainboots on!

The owner claims everything is free here, and he keeps his promise. His slaves are free to use too, and you will find them 24/7 in strategic places, clearly showing they were waiting just for you to make their day. All are nice looking (men are gorgeous!), naked, collared and silently aroused.

If you’re ready to jump on a ball and enjoy the visual show, this is the place for you. Animations are good to very good, choice is large, group sex is there, slaves are tireless. One negative:  don’t try to start a hot IM chat with them, they’re just bots and will start talking like chat bots do. If, like me, you value interaction, you’re lost.

This is the exhibitionist’s paradise, too! In many places you can choose a good single pose, get as attractive as you can, fake you’re just another slave and wait for somebody to pick you up. Also most of the sex here is strictly public, and you are quite sure somebody is looking at you, whatever you end up doing.

Penny and I chatting in the beautiful fireplace room. This sexy pose suits me perfectly!

Is it good for a date? Of course! Either if you want to involve a slave or look for private or public sex, there’s plenty of very different situations you can create. As a slight criticism, private rooms aren’t as gorgeous as some I’ve seen around - but the rest looks really great and fun.

Visitors are generally open minded and ready for a no-nonsense conversation. I had interesting meetings and some really extraordinary SL sex here. Sex being mostly public however can rise the “slut factor” if some decide they are interested in what you do after meeting them.
Hidden places include a classroom, a dungeon, a rape cave, a movie theatre, a castle, a barn and other attractions. There’s also a bathroom! It’s very clean but quite lustful.

The beautiful entrance to the castle garden. Note the toilet indication
The winter build they just put up is one of the most stunning I have ever seen in SL.  Burning Desires is a place to visit and get addicted to!
Touch the rock at the landing point to get a notecard with all the landmarks - including the hidden locations!